Addition of new Tab in MM01


Que. :I have to add a new tab & a field in the MM01,through the BADI or User exit,but I don;t have any idea abt these.So please give me the solution or the doc so that i can have the idea of making a new tab in MM01 also if anyone can provide me the doc for BADI or User exit so that I can also get an understanding abt them.It will be a great help.

Ans. :

There is no user exit or BADI to get new tab,you need to configure as below


How To Create a Customized Tab View for Material Master Creation?



Requirement 1:


Suppose if you want to add your own view with your own ‘Z’ Fields or the Standard Fields from different tables.


Get the ‘Z’ Fields created in the Respective Table.



Then execute SPRO.


Select the following path.


In SPRO -> IMG Activity -> Logistics General -> Material Master -> Configuring Material Master -> Create a program for sub screen.


Then Enter the Function Group name and save in to a development class say Z_TEST.



Then execute SE80 transaction.


Select Function Group MGD1.


If you are adding Fields in MARC then search for suitable screen, which contains MARC Fields. Like That Based on the table fields you are using select the sub screens numbers.


Then Copy each selected subscreens in to the above created function group Z_TEST.


Then Enter the Z_TEST in the function group and enter.

Then click on refresh button.


Now add your own fields in the copied screens.


Don’t remove the PBO and PAI Modules Existing in the sub screens.


In PAI Logic remove the existing fields and put the FIELD Statement for each field added to that sub screen. The field statements are needs to be placed between GET_DATEN_SUB and SET_DATEN_SUB.


If any validations have to be made for the data entered in the fields write those modules in between above modules.


In the same way if you want to make any validations in the PBO logic then write your own modules in between the GET_DATEN_SUB and SET_DATEN_SUB of PBO Logic.


Then create all the screens required and activate it.



Now under this point all are required to be done very carefully. All are IMG Settings.


1.     SPRO

2.     In SPRO -> IMG-> Logistics General -> Material Master -> Configuring Material Master -> Define Structure of Data Screens for Each Screen Sequence

3.     Select the Industry Sector Used by the client.

4.     Then Double Click on the Data Screens.

5.     Then Select the Screen sequence such a way that what ever the sub screen you copied from MGD1 to your view from the standard view and make a copy of it and change the names and screen sequence and names in it. Don’t change the Maintenance Status, which is very important

6.     For Example

If you copy the sub screen from the Plant/Storage View then Select that view and make a copy of it and do necessary changes.

7.     Then Select the above-created Data Screen and double click on Subscreens.

8.     Then enter the screen sequence number, your function group name (Z_TEST) and the screen numbers as per your requirement.

9.     Then Save it and come back.

10.     Then select IMG Activity -> Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Logistics – General -> Material Master -> Configuring the Material Master -> Assign Screen Sequences to User/Material Type/Transaction/Industry Sector

11.     Then check that the industry sector assigned there is that of you added the data screens.



Then Check by executing MM01, MM02, MM03 Transactions.



Requirement 2:


Some Times the Display of the fields created in your customized screens is to be based on the material type entered while creating the material. Then you have to do the following steps after finishing the first requirement steps.


1.     IMG Activity -> Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Logistics – General -> Material Master -> Field Selection -> Assign Fields to Field Selection Groups.

2.     Then click on New Entries.

3.     Here you group your customized screen fields accordingly as per the material type. And assign them the same selection group. For selection group number you can use (200 to 299).

4.     Then for each field give the Maintenance status as you given for that Data Screen in the First Requirement.

5.     Then save it and come back.

6.     Then go to this step. IMG Activity -> Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) -> Logistics – General -> Material Master -> Field Selection -> Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens

7.     Check for the corresponding material type and then give the above selection group and in that select the different options as Hide, Optional, and Display according your requirement.

8.     Then Check by executing the transactions MM01, MM02, MM03.

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